Commodity Markets

International Executive Search and Advisory Partners for Commodity Markets

As executive search and advisory partners within the global commodity markets, we provide a specialist network and knowledge to support you in meeting the unique challenges and demands of hiring critical roles across these industries:

New Report:

H1 Commodities Talent Analysis & Future Outlook

In our latest Commodities report, we delve into the trends that have shaped the global commodity trading industry in the first half of 2024, highlighting regional variations and their impact on the talent landscape.

Commodity Markets Search And Selection

The Knowledge and Network

The quality of our network and knowledge enables our clients to make insight-driven strategic decisions, create new possibilities and secure hard-to-find individuals across these functions:

  • Trading and Analytics
  • Investments
  • Origination and Structuring
  • Legal and Compliance
  • Finance and Risk
  • Technology
  • Corporate Functions
  • Commercial Management

Perfectly placed to deliver exceptional performers

Working from key business hubs across Asia, Europe and the Americas, we connect you with the intelligence and top-performing individuals to achieve extraordinary results.

We partner with you to:

  • Create a powerful source of competitive advantage through market intelligence.
  • Develop a search strategy that aligns with your objectives, with the right level of confidentiality and control.
  • Clarify strategically vital roles and competitive compensation and benefits packages to attract them.
  • Source in-demand individuals who can evaluate and solve your organisation’s challenges.
  • Enhance your credibility and reputation in existing and new markets.

Find a Consultant

Danielle Cohen

Senior Researcher Commodity Markets

Ross Gregory

Senior Partner Commodity Markets

Brad Knox

Managing Partner NORAM, Global Head of Commodities Executive Team

Michael LaRocca

Associate Partner Commodity Markets

Eddie Le Roux

Senior Partner Commodity Markets

Stuart MacSween

Managing Partner, EMEA Executive Team

Jenita Riat

Partner, Head of Market Intelligence TRAC Market Intelligence

Oliver Taylor

Senior Researcher TRAC Market Intelligence

Oscar Velazquez

Principal & Head of Research Centre Commodity Markets

Find Solutions

Please get in touch if you need help to identify or mitigate any talent gaps and challenges you are facing.

Contact Us
Proco Group

Find an Office

Established in 2008, Proco Group are international Executive Search and Advisory partners, with offices in London, Brighton, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York, Houston & Mexico City.

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London Recruitment
Proco Group
London Recruitment