Diversity and Inclusion

The Pros and Pitfalls of AI in Hiring Diversity

In the fast-paced world of AI, new tools are being developed regularly to streamline and automate business processes.

A newer avenue for AI innovation is recruitment, and more specifically embedding diversity in hiring processes. 

Whilst AI has the potential – and the power – to deliver positive changes across hiring, there are still key concerns around AI’s ability to deliver truly unbiased processes. In fact, whilst AI solutions are still relatively new it is possible that they will perpetuate the same biases as the developers who create them. 

Alongside the growing AI trend is an intensified focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), with many companies driving change to diversify their workforce. As AI continues to become a staple in business workflows, it’s critical to determine how much it can be trusted to embed diversity in hiring processes. 

In this article I explore the perceptions of AI in hiring diversity, as well as its benefits and pitfalls. 


Perceptions of the use of AI in hiring diversity 

A recent study of over 3,000 employees and 1,000 HR professionals across the UK and USA found that 64% of candidates believe AI is equal or better than humans with regards to fairness in the hiring process. The study also found that 67% of HR leaders trust AI to help them find qualified candidates. 

However, the findings of the survey also highlight a disconnect between perspectives on how AI is used in hiring. Whilst HR professionals broadly feel more positive about the potential of AI, potential employees are much more cautious about its use and impact. 

HR professionals: 

  • 73% say they trust AI to make candidate recommendations
  • 66% have a more positive attitude towards AI in the workplace compared to one year ago
  • 1 in 3 have implemented an AI tool without getting approval from their business 



  • 49% believe AI could help reduce bias and unfair treatment in hiring
  • Only 25% believe AI will help more than it hurts
  • 3 in 4 workers do not agree with the use of AI to make final hiring decisions 


The benefits of AI in hiring diversity and the interview process 

There are significant benefits from adding AI into hiring processes – both in terms of improvements to the overall process and to DEI. For example, when AI is adopted, it can provide: 

  • Automated CV filtering: AI can quickly filter through CVs to identify candidates that match the job requirements, saving time on manual screening.
  • Keyword matching: AI can identify relevant skills and experiences in applications, based on keywords and phrases.
  • Pre-screening interviews: AI-powered chatbots can be used to conduct the initial interviews, asking candidates a set of standardised questions and assessing their responses based on pre-defined criteria.
  • Personalised communication with candidates: AI can send personalised messages to candidates, keeping them informed and engaged throughout the interview process.
  • Blind hiring: AI can anonymise CVs and applications to reduce unconscious bias in the initial screening process.
  • Standardised assessments: AI can be used to ensure that all candidates are evaluated against the same criteria, promoting fairness. 

Whilst AI can help with automation, efficiency, and promoting fairness in the initial interview process, it is by no means a silver bullet.  


AI in Diversity Hiring: Helpful, but not Reliable 

Although AI can be used to anonymise candidates at the start of a process, it can’t attract diverse applicants in the first place, change rigid opinions from hiring managers regarding the type of background required for the position and it can’t remove all elements of unconscious bias in the process. 

For example, even though it can be used to anonymise a CV and application, if a hiring manager isn’t flexible around the requirements of the role, e.g. travel or required experience, it might make the role feel less viable for different minorities. 

Given the challenges of DEI are broad and nuanced, a company needs to take a company-wide holistic approach to the issues. AI is a powerful tool, however, without the right DEI processes and people in place in a company, it can’t be relied upon to improve diversity in the hiring process. 

For AI to have a real impact in hiring, companies need to change their internal processes and mindsets. This often means creating meaningful changes to their culture and day to day practices, to ensure diverse professionals not only enter organisations but can flourish in these organisations.   


If organisations readdress their approach to hiring talent and make roles more viable for minorities, they will be able to attract and retain talented people – and we’ll be one step closer to complete parity. 

Whilst AI can be helpful, it can’t resolve the issues around DEI – and it can’t shift the goalposts enough to achieve gender parity. Culture, values and people are paramount to create a sustainable yet evolving DEI agenda. Proco Group’s executive search expertise means we’re perfectly placed to navigate the complexities of diversity in hiring. Using our global network of professionals, we partner with organisations to source exceptional, diverse talent to fill critical roles. 

For a discussion about your hiring and DEI strategies, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 


lisa finney

Lisa Finney

Senior Partner | Consumer Markets | APAC

Lisa leads the Food, Beverage & Ingredients and Agriculture industries for Proco Group. She specialises in senior appointments across all areas of R&D, Procurement, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Sustainability and General Management throughout APMEA and she also helps to drive key accounts globally for the business.

Lisa has 17 years of headhunting experience and has lived and worked in various locations across the world including the U.K, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong and Vietnam and has developed a strong network globally.

T: +852 5808 9654 E: lisa.finney@weareprocogroup.com